LHS Families: We are currently without power due to a repair being conducted by PSO. They are actively working on it and should have it up soon. We will notify you if there are any changes to the school day. Thank you.

Congratulations to Anabelle Biegler, Lawton High School. She received a Presidential nomination to the United States Naval Academy and a nomination to the United States Military Academy by United States Senator Markwayne Mullin. Biegler will be considered for a full appointment, which will be announced later. #LawtonPS #WeAreLPS #oklaed

The Lawton High School Wolverines boys basketball team was busy over the winter break, going down to Texas and winning the Silver Bracket at the In&Out Holiday Invitational! Tavaris Deans was named MVP and Pene Vaisagote and Champ Brewer were named to the All-Tournament Team! #WeAreLPS

Lawton High School will be hosting a book sale Saturday from 8am - 5pm & Sunday from 12pm - 5pm in the LHS library. For more information on the book sale please see the flyer below. #LawtonPS #WeAreLPS #OklaED

LHS Families: If your child is registered for the 21st century Summer Program it will begin on Monday, June 3 at 8:30 am. Students will meet in the cafeteria. If you have any questions please contact Lynn Shelton lynn.shelton@lawtonps.org

We are just moments away from our Wolverines taking the stage! Doors will CLOSE 5 minutes before the ceremony. Those not in the building will then be directed to the overflow section to view it virtually.
WATCH the live stream here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vA1izT6nuZk

Congratulations to our wrestlers!! We have one state qualifier and one alternate. Junior Tyzel Zachry placed 5th at the 6A West Regional Championships to wrestle at the State Tournament next week. Sophomore Azaan Shannon placed 6th at the tournament to be named an alternate to go.
Congratulations Wolverines!! #HantaYo #GoBigRed #WeAreLPS #LawtonPS #TakeState

LHS Family-We have just been notified that our building has no power or water. Maintenance has been working on it, but it will not be repaired by the start of classes tomorrow.
All classes will shift to Remote Learning for Monday, Aug. 14. Students will need to check their Google Classroom for instructions. Students who cannot make it to the LRC or GPTC for classes will be excused for the day.

LHS families: Check-In is happening next week! For more details see the flyer below!

Wolverine faculty - reminder to stand and form a funnel for the seniors to exit when the Alma mater begins.

FYI: LHS and CMS families staring Monday, April 24th, the east entrance at LHS will be under construction. Please see the map below for more information. #LawtonPS #WeAreLPS #oklaed

Lawton was well represented at the State Poetry Out Loud competition today at UCO! Congratulations to AdyLynn Anderson, a junior at Lawton High, she placed first in the competition! She competed against stiff competition including MacArthur sophomore Cate Dennis and Eisenhower freshman Eesha Katta. Excellent job to all!

Say “hello” to parent-teacher chat and classroom
announcements in the LPS app! With the addition of
Rooms, our district app keeps getting better. To learn more about Rooms, please visit https://www.lawtonps.org/page/rooms

Congratulations to Allyson Taylor, Lyric Swatzell and David Rich!!
These LHS XC runners are state qualifiers!
#WeAreLPS #LawtonPS #oklaed

Read the last edition of the 2021 - 2022 Wolverine! Great job to Mr. Robertson and his staff. Click the link below for the full document.

Families: Power is back on! Thank you for your patience. School will resume as normal.

LHS and CMS families: Our buildings are currently without power. PSO is actively working to restore power. We will let you know when it is back up. Thank you.

We are thankful to the support of Liberty National Bank for the purchase of our three high school signs! Our Lawton High sign should be completed soon!
Coming soon will be the EHS sign.

LPS Native Families: Mark your calendars and join us for the Indian Education Senior Recognition Night. It will take place Apr. 26 at the Life Ready Center starting at 6 pm.

Tryouts for ALL MIDDLE and HIGH school cheer/dance squads will be held on March 26, 2022.
The FINAL day to sign up & pay is Thursday, March 10 by 12 noon.
See the attached flyer for more details.