May 16, 2023
LPS Family! It's time to start thinking about summer jobs! If you are 16 & up in high school or college and want to make a little cash, be sure to reach out to Ms. Dolores Ander...

May 10, 2023
Lawton native and Lawton High School graduate Randy Bass has been selected as part of the 2023 Japanese Baseball Hall of Fame Class.
Bass, a member of the Wolverine class of 1...

April 28, 2023
Native American seniors were honored at Lawton High School earlier this week with a sacred feather ceremony.This ceremony was a significant and symbolic tradition for the students...

March 26, 2023
Congratulations to our 2023 #LawtonPS Cheer and Dance team members! \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Download file here

March 24, 2023
The Oklahoma Bar Association (OBA) recently held their 2023 Student Law Day Contest and Lawton Public Schools’ (LPS) students Eesha Katta and AdyLynn Anderson received honorable m...

March 12, 2023
Congratulations to Lawton High School junior Adylynn Anderson. She won the 2023 State of Oklahoma Poetry Out Loud Competition. She performed three poems: "Edgar Allan Poe Is Reac...

February 28, 2023
A pair of Lawton High School (LHS) seniors were honored for their hard work and achievements in the classroom and in the community this week. Leonardo Hermosillo and Marc Spotts a...

October 21, 2022
Wolverines – Due to the passing of one of our recent retirees, we will be going virtual half of the day on Monday, October 24 to allow our faculty and staff the opportunity to a...

May 4, 2022
LawtonPS Families: Today (May, 4th) is a weather alert day for our area. Just a friendly reminder that we do not release early as a district due to our tier-level Transportati...

April 27, 2022
It's time to start thinking about summer jobs! If you are 16 & up in high school or college and want to make a little cash, be sure to reach out to Ms. Dolores Anderson at 580-357...

April 25, 2022
The Lawton High School drama program will present its annual play for the public at 7 p.m. Wednesday in the school auditorium, 601 Fort Sill Blvd. \r\n The play, “How to Kiss a Gi...

April 20, 2022
LPS will have a Public Auction (School Surplus) TOMORROW, April 21st starting at 9 am . The sale will take place at 1901 SW Lee Blvd. Cash and check will be accepted.

April 7, 2022
Lawton High School Wolverines will be hosting a Mock Collision/DUI Accident for seniors on Monday, April 11 from 8:00 - 11:30 am. LPSPD will stage a mock collision in the parking...

February 17, 2022
With the passing of Bo Bowman, Lawton High's baseball team would like to do something special at the upcoming Bo Bowman tournament to be held March 31, 2022. Former players of Bo...

February 1, 2022
LPS Family, \r\n Our team has been diligently monitoring and communicating with local agencies regarding the incoming inclement weather & potential road conditions. \r\n F...

February 1, 2022
LPS Family, \r\n Our team has been diligently monitoring and communicating with local agencies regarding the incoming inclement weather & potential road conditions. \r\n F...

January 26, 2022
The Lawton District Swim team brought forth some amazing wins from their recent Southwest Area Championship meet! We want to take the time to recognize all of those who placed dur...

January 20, 2022
LPS HIGH School families: Due to the number of staff that will be out tomorrow for student events and activities along with a number of staff absences due to illness, our three H...

January 11, 2022
LPS Cameron University Concurrent Students:
Your CU textbooks are available in the LRC Library.
Come and get them today so you have them during remote learning.

December 10, 2021
After taking the Pre-ACT, PSAT, & ACT, scores have finally been reported and show some impressive numbers from Lawton Public Schools (LPS) students.
607 sophomores took the Pre...